Members of the Congress Committees


Lidy Evertsen

She is a Body Psychotherapy practitioner, specialized in trauma and dissociative phenomena. She is also a teacher, supervisor and therapist for Body Psychotherapy students.

Lidy has been a member of the EABP Board since 2008, first as Forum [training institutes] representative [2008-2009], subsequently as General Secretary [2009-2010], interim Treasurer [2010] and as President [2010-present].

Chair of the Continuing Congress Content Committee of the EABP

Sofia Petridou

Body Psychotherapist – Counselor – Supervisor
Trained in the Character Analysis and Vegetotherapy modality. Also trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy and trauma treatment with the EMDR method.
Treasurer of the PESOPS for 4 years and Chair for the last 5 years.
Member of the EABP Board.
Chair of the Congress and the Organizational Committee
Coordinator of the Artistic Committee
Member of the Continuing Congress Content Committee of EABP
Member of the Continuing Congress Organizational Committee of EABP

“The feeling I get so far while preparing the present Conference is that its topic The Embodied Self and the Dis-embodied Society is directly connected with the atmosphere of its organization. An atmosphere characterized by synthesis, harmony and the presence of the body, a triptych which weds creativity with the element of joy.

The collaboration between the members of the Committees and between the Committees themselves has already been very fulfilling for me. It is a collaboration which incorporates the particularity of the Other in a mature manner and considers it a valued element of the final collective outcome.