P-C Workshop VI
Title: The Sound of Me – investigating the link between experiencing the body and experiencing identity
Presenter: Lidy Evertsen
In this workshop, we will investigate how certain personality aspects can have a connection to specific areas in the body. The feeling can be different in different parts; the sound can be different as well.
We will also explore how using voice can help become aware of areas in the body.
This workshop is mainly experiential, using our voices, with some brief discussion of background thinking and theory where necessary.
Using your voice can be interesting to experience for yourself as a person and as a therapist.
Working with personality aspects can be very useful in therapeutic practice. Many traumatic events, no matter how big or small their stories, leave a shade of breaking something in the connection between memory systems, expressing themselves in some sort of lack of awareness. How to find ways to reconnect is at the heart of this workshop.
Language: English
Maximum group size: 20 – 25 [depending on the size of the room]
Lidy Evertsen, Body Psychotherapy practitioner in her private practice since 1993; modalities – Unitive Psychotherapy, Bodynamic Analysis; specialised in working with dissociation and DID; Bodynamic trauma therapist; trainer, supervisor and therapist for Body Psychotherapy students and practitioners; EABP president 2010-2016; active in the development of the profession of Body Psychotherapy in EABP Think Tank and Continuous Congress Content Committee. Lidy started her professional life as a professional classical singer and voice pedagogue.