P-C Workshop II
Title: Dance your life story through the five movements
Presenter: Madlen Algafari
1. Theory – one hour: What is the “Therapy of the five movements”: reality check, planning, submission, seduction, aggression. How every movement (behavioural model) is related to the five characters: schizoid, oral, sadomasochistic, psychopathic, rigid. What are the muscle blockages and postures corresponding to the different movements?
2. Experience – one hour: with the help of special very emotional music and colour veils the participants will dance freely. Every participant will experience the different movements, following her/his own inner rhythm while interacting with the other participants and will contact the others by choosing one of the movements. Example: with one person I can experience a battle, with another I can show my weakness and ask for help, I can try to attract a third one etc. The only choreographer is the body. Contact is permitted following the reality check (whether it is appropriate in the given situation and moment) and the consent of the other. The participants need comfortable clothes and socks. Sounds are allowed, but no words!
3. Feedback – one hour: The participants can share how they felt the movements throughout every movement, which one was easy and which one – difficult for their character structure; what were the sense and sensations when the body was the only storyteller.
Madlen Algafari, Psychologist, psychotherapist, writer, theater director. MA in psychology from University of Sofia ‘St. Clement Ohridski’ in 1991, postgraduate specialisation in Neo-reichian analytic psychotherapy with Prof. Waldo Bernasconi in 1998 – Lugano, Switzerland, member of the Bulgarian Neo-reichian Association, member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – section ‘Psychology and pedagogy’, President of the board of directors – Bulgarian Institute for body psychotherapy, member of The Bulgarian Association of psychotherapy, member of the European Association of Body psychotherapy. Editor in Chief of “International body psychotherapy Journal” – published by the European and United States Associations for Body psychotherapy and Somatic Psychology.
Web site: www.madlenalgafari.com
E-mail: editorinchief@ibpj.org