Despoina Markaki

Psychologist – Body Psychotherapist
Director of Studies at “Wilchelm Reich” Center for Psychotherapy & Counseling in Athens, Greece. Member of PESOPS’ Board.
Treasurer of the Congress
Member of the Organisational Committee

“We hope that the 15th European Congress will promote cooperation, exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of Body Psychotherapy. Greece, despite being a in crisis, can still inspire us!”

Dorina Kalethrianou

Dance teacher, Choreographer, Body Psychotherapist
Member of the Artistic Committee

“I hope that this Congress will touch our hearts.”

Eleni MavromatiEleni Mavromati

Trained in Bodynamic, Gentle Bioenergetics and Reflexology. She has also studied Marketing and PR.
Member of the PR Committee

“Working with body psychotherapy is like trying to match the pieces of a huge puzzle. At the beginning it seems difficult to realize or imagine the final picture. At the end of the process the result is beyond your imagination. Body, mind and spirit, the wholeness of the human being! So, I am very glad to participate at the PR team for the coming EABP Congress in Athens, Greece.”