Saturday 15th October


Moderator: Regina Hochmair

18:25 – 19:45 [Part 2]

This part is thought to be done in groups which discuss two questions:

  1. There are areas of life in society, laws, habits and cultural behaviors, where Body Psychotherapists have a unique knowledge and experience due to the nature of our work.
    For example, in how social dynamics resonate with a person’s intimate life, or in how family norms are absorbed and shown. Do you think it is useful and / or important Body Psychotherapists should take a public stance on such areas of life?
  2. Do you think our professional Organization, EABP should engage in and support this process?

Whether your answer is yes, no, or yes/no/ maybe, please explore examples (in your smaller groups) that help illustrate your current position or thinking.
In feeding back on your small group discussions please briefly describe the examples you used and then tell us the key ideas and core questions you have identified.

After the group phase, groups report in the plenum.



Dr. Regina Hochmair MSc. Parallel to her medical career Regina Hochmair works as a Body Psychotherapist since 1990. She is trained in Radix and Functional Analysis. She is member of the Wilhelm Reich Institute and EABP. She is head physician of the Psychosomatic Department in Clinic Pirawarth near Vienna where she implemented Functional Analysis as a main technique.