17th European Congress for Body Psychotherapy
Hotel Carlton | Bologna, 9-12 September 2021
The 17th International Congress of Body Psychotherapy, organized by the European Association of Body Psychotherapy (EABP), based in Amsterdam, will take place in Bologna, at the Carlton Hotel, in collaboration with the Associazione Italiana Psicoterapie Corporee (AIPC).
The works will start on Wednesday September 9th , 2021 and will end on Sunday September 12.
It is expected a total participation of about 500 people, coming from all European countries, and some delegations also from Japan, China, United States, Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.
All the major European Schools of Body Psychotherapy, the Italian Association of Body Psychotherapy (AIPC), the Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations (FIAP) will be represented; the Congress is sponsored by the Department of Psychology of the University of Bologna and is awaiting the patronage of the National Order of Psychologists.
The title of the Congress is: “Sense and Sensation: the fullness of experience in Body Psychotherapy”; as can be seen from the title, the crucial theme of the conference is the importance of sensory experience as a condition of health, emotional well-being and as an antidote to the possible failures produced by the uncontrolled expansion of digital technology.
This is a passage from the introduction to the Congress:
This social acceleration and the expansion of the digital and virtual dimension has brought with it an excess of stimuli and information that eradicate man from his old home/world, overturning the relationship between man and his body and favouring the fragmentation of the social fabric: the predominance of technology is producing a progressive eclipse of the body, and a gradual settlement in the image.
The participation of psychotherapists and doctors who work in the field of health is expected, and who are sensitive to the profound epochal changes that have changed many clinical and diagnostic paradigms, and that require reflection on new tools for treatment and prevention.
Speakers will be personalities of international importance, such as Vittorio Gallese, Stephen Porges, Sue Carter, Corrado Sinigaglia, Marianne Bentzen, George Downing, Ulfried Geuter, and other Italian and foreign researchers well known in the specific field of the clinic.