Within the frame of the pre-congress, we are going to show you the newest and
most comprehensive film about Wilhelm Reich!
![]() Plakat – Programme – download | Informationen about the film: Love, Work and Knowledge. The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich.“We are happy to present the new documentary about the life of Wilhelm Reich as part of the pre-congress. Date: 5.9.18 7:00 p.m. |
Dear colleagues,
The next EABP conference will be held in Berlin at the Free University from 6-9 September 2018. At this congress we want to address the multiple psychological and social-psychological challenges of post modern culture and society to the theory and practice of our field. Philosophers and social critics are increasingly speaking of a “fatigue and burn-out society” which is characterized by a decrease in vitality, Eros and relatedness. Certainly alienation is growing in neoliberal corporate work life as well as alienation from the self and the body in the general population. In his vegetotherapeutic approach Wilhelm Reich already emphasized vegetative and emotional vitality, the experience of streaming in the body, the contact to the embodied core of oneself and the power and capacity for love as central aspects of somatic and psychological health.
In Bodypsychotherapy traditionally theory of neuroses, character formation and the way people live needed to be linked to social and cultural contexts and engage in the zeitgeist for a deeper understanding of the so called clinical issues. At present we increasingly have to deal with clinical phenomena like: diffuse anxieties and panic attacks and structural disorders, narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. Our field needs to address these changes with corresponding concepts. The conference lectures and panels and hopefully the discussions which will rise from that will explore this teritory, raise questions and search for inspirations and answers.
There will be a special evening focusing on the worldwide „New Authoritarian Right“. Andreas Peglau will address this issue on the background of Reich’s “Mass psychology of Facism”, followed by time for an open discussion with a panel of experienced colleagues and the audience.
We have pleasure inpresentingthe new film about the life of Wilhelm Reich “Love, Work andKnowledge. The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich “(2017) by Kevin Hinchey and Glenn Orkin.Itportrays the life and work of Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), founder of body psychotherapy, companion and antipode of Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst, physician, sexual reformer, communist, social scientist and natural scientist. Thisis the first film that comprehensively portrays Reich’s life and scientific biography.
Best Wishes
Manfred Thielen (Chair of the congress), Bettina Schroeter, Gustl Marlock, Marc Rackelmann, Ulrich Sollmann (Kongresskomitee)