Panel II

Please note that this Panel II will take place in Lecture Hall 2


Moderation: Bettina Schroeter

Adapting to gender stereotypes is an invisible and insidious process of incorporating conventional and hierarchic norms, images and habits; it is therefore deeply rooted and more persistent than the superficial liberalism of modern western values of equality. BPT has the special potential of affecting social behavior patterns, individual character traits as well as biological and energetic resources to decode social clichés, thus supporting resources of somatic freedom and psychic choices for all genders with an awareness for social imprints and restrictions. It can set stimuli for individual as well as social change, broadening our scope of choices and preferences.

Leading the panel: Bettina Schroeter, Dipl. Päd., HP, ECP, Trainer, Supervisor and therapist in BPT, Director of the Training Institute for Transformative Bodypsychotherapy, Berlin, member of the EABP since its foundation. Initiated and moderated panels about gender issues in recent DGK- and EABP congresses with a group of German colleagues. Coeditor with H. Krüger-Kirn of: “Verkörperungen von Weiblichkeit. Gendersensible Betrachtungen körperpsychotherapeutischer Prozesse” („Embodiment of Femininity. A gender sensitive perspective on BPT processes“) (2017)


The Big Five of Mothers, or: The normal client is a mother

Anne Meinhold

70% of clients in BPT are women and 75% of these are mothers. This means: the normal client is a mother! For thousands of years selflessness is being seen as the essence of motherhood. We can observe the downside of this attitude in five typical phenomena our maternal clients are showing in our practices, such as overtaxing, chronic feelings of guilt and shame, lack of self-confidence and exhaustion. In psychotherapeutic theory the subjective perspective of mothers in pregnancy, birth and mother-child-relationship is rather neglected. How can BPT support the unfolding of the creative and transformative female potential? How can BPT contribute to alter the idealized maternal selflessness thus preventing the inevitable burnout of mothers?
Anne Meinhold

Anne Meinhold

Anne Meinhold; Berlin, mother of three children and a stepchild; dance and acrobat Artistschool; performer and dance acrobat ; Bodypsychotherapist and Supervisor, NLP- Master , Trauma therapist ,studies of adult education; body psychotherapist with single clients, couples, and people (women) traumatisated by war. Trainer for communication, teams and leadership.

Gender Stereotypes in Eastern and Western Culture

Edoardo Pera

I worked for many years in projects related to Gender based violence, trauma and refugees in the Middle East and other eastern countries. Gender stereotypes affect both men and women. It is interesting to analyze the differences between these stereotypes in western and eastern culture. There are things that cannot be changed only by law, they are calling for a a psycho- and emotional education. What are the emotions and feelings behind discrimination and gender rigidity? Behind fear, sexophobia, anger? Are men and women able to be confronted with these differences without emotional hyper-reaction? Can we find a way to appreciate differences during our common path?

Edoardo Pera

Edoardo Pera

Edoardo Pera, Psychotherapist with private practice in Rome: Analytical - Body Approach, Gestalt, EMDR, Family Constellations, Mindfulness. Trainer for SIAR (Società Italiana di Analisi Reichiana). International Consultant for projects in Jordan, Syria, Nepal, Tanzania, Irak–Kurdistan (concerning Psychotherapy, Trauma, Resilience, Psychological First Aid, Men Involvement, SGBV).

Non-binary Gender identities

Irena Markus

One of the main way power relations expressed itself is in creating tension of binary distribution of power, that is often genderial: the - masculine is powerful and dominating, the feminine – powerless and submissive.
Gender identities that don't conform with the binary gender stereotypes, such as "Butch- Femme", transgender, gender- queer, are perceived as abnormal and as such, are not acknowledged as a valid experience.
BPT may support the embodiment process of other non-binary identities, by the embodiment of the marginalized non-binary gender, creating a new context, in which the gender identities were acknowledged as a new form of experience, with a new meaning and new genderial power relations.

Irena Markus

Irena Markus Body Psychotherapist, working in a private practice in Tel Aviv, Israel supervising in the public mental health system, group facilitation and teaching Process Work, Gender sensitive perspective on BPT and process work.

Pioneers of a New Manhood

Marc Rackelmann

For some time now many men are on their way to a modern manhood. This includes, amongst other things, equal partnership models, committed paternity and caring relationships with their male friends. The contradictory juxtaposition of old role expectations - not only in the professional realm - and new life models often leads to conflict. In contrast to the women's movement, men in their quest still lack an unifying and attractive model of a different kind of manhood. Body psychotherapy in particular can support men in finding a more mindful way of dealing with themselves, enhancing their relational capabilities, their capability to dealing with conflicts and to be positively anchored in their manhood.
Marc Rackelmann

Marc Rackelmann

Marc Rackelmann, born 1964, Dipl. Pol., HP Psychotherapy, ECP, is body-psychotherapist, couples-therapist and supervisor in private practice in Berlin. He is being educated for years in the Sexual Crucible approach by David Schnarch, in Sexocorporel sextherapy, as well as in pre- and perinatal work by Matthew Appleton. He used to work in education with young men on the subject of masculinity and sexuality. Member of the DGK, the EABP, peer reviewer of the IBPJ and has been on the board of the Wilhelm Reich Society for many years. He was part of the congress planning committee planning and organizing this congress. He is author of articles on couples-therapy, among other topics and of the 2017 book on male sexuality: Make Love – das Männerbuch (“Make Love - the men's book”).