Register Now!

The prices below include lunch for 2 days plus coffee break for 4 days

Normal Registration
April 1st – August 31st 2016

Students EABP members
Students non EABP members
EABP Members
EABP Members
Low Income Countries
Non EABP members

Late Registration
September 1st – October 13th 2016

Students EABP members 170€
Students non EABP members 190€
EABP members 350€
EABP members
Low Income Countries
Non EABP members 400€


  • Low Income Countries are: Greece, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Ukraine

One Day Pre-congress Workshops
October 11th – October 12th 2016

Students EABP members 50€
Students non EABP members 60€
EABP Members 100€
Non EABP Members 120€

Half day Pre-congress Workshops
October 11th – October 12th 2016

Students EABP members 25€
Students non EABP members 30€
EABP Members 50€
Non EABP Members 60€


Daily Ticket
for non participants to the Congress
available only after September 16
Scientific and Research Symposium
for non participants to the Congress
Dinner and Dance 50€
Excursion to Cape Sounion
post-congress workshop’s fee is not included
Post-Congress Workshop at Sounion 15€
Terms and Conditions
Conditions of refund: We will retain 50 € for administration costs for cancellations before 28th February 2016, and 100 € for cancellations before 31st May 2016. There will be no refund after that date. You can propose another participant paying half of the administration costs.
Privacy Policy
As a congress participant, I agree not to disclose any confidential information about clients and congress participants revealed. I agree to abide by any confidentiality agreements set by an individual workshop leaders.