Workshops – SLOT III
Saturday, 9th of September 15:00 – 16:30

Olaf Trapp, Bioenergetic Analyst (CBT), trained by the North German Institute for B.A. (NIBA) 1994-98, training analyst since 2007, NIBA board member 2008 – 2016, President of the European Federation for B.A. (EFBA-P) 2011-2020, teacher IPD school for personal development in Zagreb, certified TRE (Trauma Release Exercises) training, David Berceli, Massage therapist, working in private practice since 1999 with an emphasis on early disorder and psychosomatics, international workshop activities.
Hands on Interventions in Bodypsychotherapy
Hall 61 Faculty of Journalism
Hands on Interventions in Bodypsychotherapy Along the Reichian segments we will experience different kind of manual interventions. Traumatic life experiences are stored in contracted parts of the body; this reduces our everyday life energy. The related issues are often disconnected from our conscious mind. In order to unfreeze or melt this parts of the body, a wide range from tender touch to deep tissue work, can be applied, embedded in a safe therapeutic relationship and adjusted to the structural level of our clients. The workshop will be self- experiential and provides concrete stimuli for your daily therapeutic practice.

Assaf Avraham Physician, Reichian and relational psychotherapist Explores and deepens mental and physical context. Instructs and teaches psychotherapy groups and Head of the Department of body Psychotherapy at Reidman College- Israel. FEC representative on the EABP board.
The evolution of the emotional and mental body- “the original body”
Hall 16 Faculty of Journalism
The connection to the theme of the congress is the possibility to feel also through the body and mind through the transformation and through the movement which creates a renewed and reconstructive construction.
Through conscious movement, embodiment, and breathing, there is a possibility of renewed revelation. The workshop invites the participants to explore and meet the internal resources that exist in the mental body and its abilities to go through changes, conflicts and emotional and mental dialogue. The workshop is experiential and theoretical and is based on Richian sources adapted to our times. Looking forward to meeting you.

Vanya Dunkova is a child psychologist, Master’s degree in “Child and Adolescent Psychology. Diagnostics and Counseling” from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and a psychomotor therapist with a diploma recognized by the Deutsche Akademie – Aktionskreis Psychomotorik e.V. and the University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt, Germany. She works with children and parents in a private center in Sofia with the method of “Integrative Psychomotricity”. She is a founder and chairperson of BAPMT.
Development of professional identity in transformative times – the experience of the Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity /BAPMT
Hall 13 Faculty of Journalism
Bulgarian Association for Development of Psychomotricity /BAPMT aims at the sustainable development of Psychomotricity, understood as a body-based and play-based method of psychosocial development and its transformation into a routine, humane, ethical professional practice available to educators, psychologists, therapists, etc. Since the association has existed (11. 2020), everywhere in Bulgaria we meet people whose professional identity does not allow play in general and bodily play and expression in particular. We meet teachers who are discovering the need to go beyond their understanding of what is expected of them, we meet professionals who are finding it challenging to work with children in a table-top office and to exclude movement from their work, we meet doctors and nurses who are beginning to change their understanding of the need for bodily play for children in the institutions in which they work. When we make such transformations, identity is always under pressure and brings different challenges. I propose to present in a 10-minute reflection the professional identity of the BAPMT association and the crises we witness during Psychomotricity trainings in Bulgaria.

Elena Capovilla Psychologist, Psychotherapist, member of Functional Psychotherapy Italian Society (SIF, Member of EABP. President of the “SpazioMenteCorpo” Association in Venice and Treviso (Italy). She has presented a workshop about Insomnia at the EABP Congress in Berlin in 2018. She leads psychotherapy groups for adults and for parents.
WHO ARE YOU? A journey beyond the envelope
Hall 40 Main Building
Within a constantly changing world, values, goals and objectives change, while the tools to orient and guide our Self remain the same: our ability to Feel and Perceive the world. Therefore, it becomes essential to learn how to use these skills in order to become the captains of our own journeys.
Our identity and sense of Self are anchored in the Fundamental Experiences of having been seen, valued and understood as children. Within a chaotic, hectic and inattentive world these Experiences often fail and alter the way we show ourselves to the world. To perceive who we are we need the look, the hearing and the touch of another, that allows us to explore, grow and share the positive and unique sense of ourselves. The Neo-Functional techniques tested in this workshop aim to get us back in touch with our sensations, emotions, abilities and deep desires which are all fundamental tools to rediscover a sense of well-being and a complete fulfilment.

My name is Denitsa Iltcheva. I am a Neoreichian analytical body psychotherapist from Bulgaria with private practice both in individual and group therapy. As of 2018 I am e Member of the MB of the Bulgarian Neoreichian Psychotherapy Society in Bulgaria. I am a former Ballroom Dancer and trainer and now I combine body psychotherapy with my dance experience in leading dance therapy groups. My graduation thesis was on Dance as a therapeutic tool in body psychotherapy.
Dance Therapy – The path of my transformation
Hall 17 Faculty of Journalism
The dance therapy workshop will be focused on the theme of personal transformation through the life span – who was I in the past, who am I now and who will I be in the future. Through the techniques of visualization and dance movement therapy exercises we will create a space where the mind, soul and body will unite in spontaneous and authentic movements.

Konstantin Petrov With 12 years of corporate experience and a passion for body psychotherapy, I bring a unique perspective to my work as a coach and therapist. Through my own journey of self-discovery, I have come to appreciate the power of the mind-body connection and the transformative impact it can have on one’s life. I am dedicated to helping my clients achieve their full potential and find a sense of wholeness and balance in their lives.
Hall 242 Main Building
The topic “From Cavemen to Cyborgs: Exploring the Narrative of Masculinity Through the Ages” relates to the congress theme “Identity in Transformative Times – Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction” as it explores how the idea of masculinity has evolved and transformed over time, undergoing various stages of construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction. The presentation will offer insights into the complex relationship between masculinity and identity, shedding light on how it has been.
The concept of identity is a complex and multifaceted one, and it is particularly significant for men, as societal expectations and cultural norms often define what it means to be a man. This can lead to a rigid and limiting understanding of masculinity, which can be harmful to both men and those around them. As men, we often find ourselves struggling to define our sense of self, questioning who we are and where we belong in this world, leaving us lost, isolated, and detached from others. “Sometimes it is best to release the past and embrace the new, To allow the old to crumble and make way for the true. For in the rubble of what was once thought to be, Lies the potential for something greater and more free.” Ar. In. So, join us on this exciting journey through time and the human psyche, as we explore the complex and fascinating topic of man’s identity through the ages. Let’s embark on this adventure together! *the workshop is not limited to men only.

Luisa Barbato is a certified Reichian body psychotherapist and a member of the Board as well as supervisor of SIAR (Italian Society of Reichian Analysis). She works as a body-psychotherapist in Rome in private and public Institutions with individual and groups therapies. She is a member of the Board of AIPC (Italian Association of Body Psychotherapy). She is the chair of the Executive Committee of the Forum of European accredited body-psychotherapy Training Institutes.
Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction in love relationships. What do we need to continue to be present in a relationship?
Hall 277 Main Building
In our life we build and destroy and rebuild again our love relationships. How can we read this movement in all our body levels and in our emotional and mental awareness? We’ll try in this workshop to have some experiences about it.

Desislava Karadzhova
Movement as a chance
Hall 15 Faculty of Journalism
The human being is an adaptive creature. Each person has defences that save them in moments of trauma. Being conditioned by the consequences of such experiences, one commits oneself to a destructive relationship with oneself and the world. The lack of a movement toward change binds us to the past. Neoreichian analytic psychotherapy has at its disposal five movements that provide us with the opportunity to return and reside in the now, and to be in tune with our needs and with reality.
The participants in this workshop will encounter the quality and texture of their primary object relationship. They will be able to observe and experience how this has affected their development and the relationships they currently have in their lives. The experience during this workshop will also provide them with the possibility of reconstruction.

Vladimir Pozharashki is a Medical Doctor from 1991. Education in Medicine: Medical University in Sofia, Bulgaria – 1985-1991. Specialist in Imagine diagnostic. Certified Body-psychotherapist from 2015. Basic education BP in the Institute for Neоreichian body-psychotherapy, 2010-2014 Sofia, Bulgaria. Additional trainings in other body-psychotherapeutic modalities.
Intelligent Grounding. Grounding as bio-energetic and psychic phenomenon. Principles and levels of diagnostic and therapeutic body-work with all types of patients. Experiential body-work
Hall 14 Faculty of Journalism
Transformative time is a fluid time of changes. Grounding as psychic and bio-energetic phenomenon is important for all, not only for the patients but from my perspective mostly for the therapists. It could be more and more important instrument for the psychic stability of all the population and also important instrument as basis of the consciousness which makes us adaptive in transformative times. Grounding is basic concept in Body-psychotherapy. It shows very fast the level of stability of the patient’s psyche and this way gives the very first idea how the therapist can enter in the therapeutic process. It shows also the resource of the patient which is important for the therapeutic strategy. Following the body-psycho therapeutic understanding of the bio-energetic flow and several simple principles of work we can go to easy nonverbal diagnostic in 5-15 minutes. The effect is the patient every time feels better, the therapist knows better who as bio-energetic and psychic structure stays in front and the body work can go ahead with a step of thrust. The principles and the levels of body-work I would like to show here make the process intelligent, first of all making the resource of the patient visible and second, the diagnostic process can go deeper to its therapeutic level possible for the patient to the moment. This instrument has many dimensions of work which we will comment during our experiential work. As instrument it can be used also as type of effective gymnastic by the patient at home and brings additional values and benefits to all the therapeutic process.
To the participants: Bring please your yoga mattress if live in Sofia.